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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Top 10 reasons Marvel needs a reboot.. NOW

These are not necessarily in order lol.

1) Time travel nonsense- Seriously Marvel.. you've taken time travel nonsense to the extreme. There were already issues with time travel from Bishop, Cable, and Phoenix (Rachel Summers), all from different futures, but you've taken it to a new level lately. Not only now have Bishop, Cable, and Rachel Summers's futures no longer exist, yet they still exist even though how they were born and everything is completely gone, but you guys have really confused things. See apparently Bishop, Cable, and Rachel can still exist because time is locked, but time is not locked enough to keep Beast from going back to the past, grabbing the original 5 X-Men from their timeline and bringing them to the future all without changing anything. But Wolverine and Invisible Woman can go back in time and murder Hank Pym and that changes everything. Not even to mention the whole Iron Lad/Kang the Conqueror thing. I'm sure there are tons more that I've missed

2) Children Everywhere- We've already mentioned Cable and Rachel Summers/Grey who are time traveling kids from an alternate future that never existed now, but.. we've also got issues with random kids. Since Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell of the Kree) died, he's had 3 kids with 2 different moms. Yeah, you heard me. 3 kids, 2 moms, and he's dead. He's had Genis-Vell and Phyla-Vell with Elysius, who admitted to taking his DNA and creating clone-babies, and then he had Hulkling with Princess Anelle of the Skrull. See how this might be a problem? Well it gets even more crazy. Carol Danvers and Captain Mar-Vell were contemporaries. Genis-Vell and Phyla-Vell were rapidly aged, but Theodore (Hulkling) has grown up at normal pace. That means.. Carol Danvers has to be in her 50's or 60's, but she's clearly not. Meanwhile Franklin Richards has been around since the 60's and is only a few years older. Yeah, figure that one out people! FIGURE THAT ONE OUT!

3) Malleable Reality Nonsense- Let's start with Phyla-Vell for this one. See, Phyla was actually born on another reality, but because of some weird mombo jombo and the end of the universe, she was made a part of our universe. Confusing? Yeah, but Marvel fixed that by killing her off and never mentioning her again. THen we get to Valerie Richards, she first appeared as Valerie von Doom, the child of Doctor Doom from an alternate reality, and she was grown up. Stuff happened, things changed and suddenly, she's the daughter of Reed and Sue Richards! Oh and another great one, Wiccan and Speed are the kids of Scarlet Witch and Vision even though their both teenagers and would have been fully formed kidlets when Scarlet Witch and Vision got together, but Scarlet Witch warped reality somehow and it's.. there. Oh and they're twins even though they're from different parents because of the reality warping. No confusion there!

4) No More Mutants except These guys, but not anymore We've got new mutants, oh wait, not those new mutants, THESE new mutants huh?- About 10 years ago, Marvel did a massive crossover event where Scarlet Witch wiped out all of the mutants except 200 some odd (numbers are all over the place an inconsistent on this). Almost instantly after doing this, they repowered Iceman with some lame excuse and the only mutant in an X-Men related title that remained depowered was Rictor of X-Factor. His powers were eventually returned. Then they revealed Hope Summers, the Mutant Messiah, who came to allow mutants to be mutants again (this is after several depowered mutants got their powers back when writers wanted to use them, mind you). Hope gathers up the Lights, a group of young mutants, all of whom she helps give them their mutant powers. So yeah right? Mutants are back, Hope's gonna do her thing, new mutants will appear again and everything is good. No, that wasn't the REAL time Mutants came back, that was the fake time. So Phoenix comes to Earth, everyone assumes it wants Hope so Hope can do great things, it instead chooses 5 hosts, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Namor, and Magik. They use their great powers to do wonders all over the world and.. create new mutants AGAIN! This time it sticks at least some. The thing is, people who were mutants aren't repowered (at least most), but new people are randomly become mutants, how nobody knows, but this is random craziness.

5) Inhumutants™- Since Marvel doesn't own the movie rights to X-Men, they decided to unleash the Terrigen Mist that creates Inhumans onto the Earth and make random people into Inhumans except that that's not the way Terrigen Mist works on any level, but Marvel has no decided it does, so it does, even though it doesn't. So now, the earth is filled with heroes from various origins, mutants, and now Inhumans, creating a new Inhumans scare at the same time as the mutant scare. They're the same, yet different. How can anybody tell the difference? Nobody knows! They just ARE! How this makes sense? Nobody knows! It just does!

6) Retconipoloza!- Just like Rachel Summers is now Rachel Grey and a completely different character because her future doesn't exist yet does exist for the purposes of making her, Marvel has been a mass of retcons. They keep retconning retcons on top of retcons and it's made the entire Marvel Universe a mess. Marvel recently did One More Day and retconned the Mary Jane and Peter Parker marriage and also hid Peter Parker's identity from everyone except some, but not others, and created a mess. Wolverine's origins retconned a few dozen times to make a mishmash of craziness. Marvel has a long history of doing mini retcons on particular titles or characters, so their history really doesn't make much sense anymore. SOme things happened and then other things didn't happen. Guardians of the Galaxy has been relaunched now with a new writer and a new direction, but it pretends to keep the previous incarnation in continuity while simultaneously ignoring the entire previous run. It's rather insane how much they've ignored things including Rocket Raccoon's entire history, where he's always been a raccoon, now he doesn't want to be known as a raccoon even though he is one. Not to mention the whole fact that Matt Murdock has been outed as DareDevil numerous times now and the whole world knows he's DareDevil, but yet they don't believe he's DareDevil except the some people that do and there is another mess.

7) Inconsistancies- Since writers apparently don't read what has come before (or can't do a single google search) or know what is going on in other comics they aren't writing, there are tons of inconsistencies. Rachel Grey (formerly Rachel Summers) suddenly can't walk in high heel shoes even though her costume for years had high heel shoes and she ran in them regularly. Wolverine in one title is gung-ho about killing everyone, in another title he is all against killing for any reason. Beast is against a kill squad when Cyke is leading, but OK with Wolverine is. Avengers are against killing sometimes except when it's Wolverine OK with doing it. Wolverine and Spider-Man appear in tons of titles a month, but there is no way they can keep going like they do. Wolverine is suddenly EVERYONE'S best friend even when others should be vastly closer and have worked/been friends with them longer. Plots from 20-30 years ago randomly pop up because the writer left and came back with no build up. Again, I'm sure there are tons more, but I can't even list them all.

8) Same old, Same old- The same villains and storylines keep getting rehashed every few years like clockwork. They could have just done that exact storyline just a few years before, but this time they're going to do it again and act like it's new this time. On the same token, villains that the good guys have dealt with countless times suddenly this time, they're a big major threat even though they're doing the same plot they had just done a few years ago.

9) Rampant Douchebaggery- A few years ago, Ultron teamed up with the Phalanx and absolutely destroyed the entire galaxy. Every empire was in shambles, the stability of the universe was thrown into question. Billions died. But, when Ultron attacks Earth and destroys parts of Earth and causes a huge mess for EARTH, then he suddenly becomes a real threat that Hank Pym needs to shut down forever. Why didn't any of the Earth heroes care when Ultron was destroying the universe? because.. it wasn't Earth, so it didn't matter. During Avengers vs. X-Men, the Avengers randomly decided they should be the authority on the Phoenix and mutant business in general even though, they'd never once cared before. Rogue treats Scarlet Witch like shit because of House of M, but Rogue herself for all intents and purposes murdered Carol Danvers and is dating the mass murderer, Magneto and forgave Gambit for his part in the mutant Massacre. Again, I'm sure there are tons more, that I'm unaware of.

10) "All in Continuity"- Marvel touts that everything you've ever read by Marvel "matters". The problem is there is so much continuity, throw in the rectons, and it's near impossible for ANYONE to know it all. Heck, Marvel's number one writer doesn't even seem to know it all. Remember it all happened, sorta.. but not if the writer doesn't remember it. Fans of Marvel don't even completely get it because it all "matters" but it doesn't since.. stuff happened to make it not matter, but yet it does matter. It's really a weakness at this point since it's just all a huge confusing mess, that even Marvel's staff can't keep track of it!

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