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Thursday, June 9, 2011

DC Relaunch Welcome to the Edge

Stormwatch - So DC is bringing Stormwatch into the DC universe. I am totally not sure about this title, but.. It has Martian Manhunter, a character I have grown to love in teams. The biggest reason for me picking up this title is Midnighter and Apollo. Not a fan of some of the sketches I've seen of Apollo's costume, but that's not a final design and not by the actual artist, so things can change! I'm just hoping they don't make the two of them straight, but Paul Cornell is writing it and I've loved his team titles. I have faith in this title, I really do, but I do question the need of another globe trotting team dealing with international superheroes. We have Justice League, JLI, Stormwatch and JLD. It may be a tad much.

Blackhawks - Umm.. yeah. I just don't know what to say about this title. The big thing is that Zinda hasn't been mentioned at all in the promo. We have been told that Zinda will potentially appear, but if she's not in the first issue, ANYTHING can change and the series can be cancelled before that ever happens. So without Zinda CONFIRMED as a part of this series, I'm DEFINITELY not buying. Not to mention the whole concept of a highly trained army of flying mercs doesn't really work for me.

Sgt Rock and the Men of War - Totally skipping this comic. I'm not a fan of military stuff and a whole military comic all about war? Sounds insanely boring to me. I'm sure this will satisfy some small niche, but I doubt this will be a long running title.

All-Star Western - All I have to say is Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti. That is the reason you HAVE to read this comic. Not only do we get their Jonah Hex, but we get to see them handle countless other western heroes. The best thing? This title has been a solid seller for a long time, so this relaunch will keep the title alive and hopefully get new people, like myself, on board. Now I'm NOT a fan of westerns, but these two amazing writers have proved themselves time and time again to me, so I HAVE to give them a chance. I have to!

Deathstroke - I figured based on Frankenstein getting his own title, that Deathstroke would be getting his own! I was hoping they'd keep Palmiotti on the title since that would have made it AWESOME, but they didn't. I was excited about this title until I saw it. Now I'm just NOT sure. The costume is hideous and it could be a hit or miss thing. It's either going to be great or a massive failure. We shall see. I will look at it at least. I doubt I'm going to be buying this one.

Grifter - Yeah! the Wildstorm Wolverine/Batman gets his own title! JOY! How many months until he gets 20 bazillion titles like Deadpool? I've never really gotten into Grifter, wasn't a fan of WildC.A.T.S., so yeah, I'm not that sure about it.

OMAC - Did this title sell the FIRST TIME? Let's relaunch it and make it ridiculous. I mean, seriously? Even with Jack Kirby's name behind the original series, this didn't sell. this has been tried a couple times now and it just hasn't worked, so why do we keep doing it? I just don't understand the thought behind this title. I just think this is going to be an amazing failure.

Blue Beetle - Another failed title, getting a second chance for really no reason. So we've finally gotten another minority in the DCU other than a black male, but once again he's a guy and I just don't see why we're rehashing Blue Beetle again. The series just didn't work and it wasn't a major seller even with Giffen backing it. Throw Tony Bedard behind it who is a so-so writer. I just don't understand this.

Suicide Squad - I like Suicide Squad, but this means the death of one of the greatest titles DC has, the Secret Six. I like that Deathstroke and King Shark are sticking around and Harley Quinn is an interesting X Factor, but I hope other characters join in and I hope it is half as good as Secret Six, though it has MASSIVE shoes to fill. This is going to be by far the most bittersweet title for me and if it sucks, well.. I'm going to be so pissed. I mean DC cancelling a decent selling title for a shitty one? Yeah.

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