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Friday, June 10, 2011

Stephanie Brown

I've never been a fan of the chick named Spoiler. She's been shown for 10+ years to be completely incompetent, but she doesn't give up so that somehow makes her amazing? People are all upset that the chick who was FORCED by editorially mandate into the Batgirl costume is somehow losing a mantle she never earned to begin with. I just don't understand this. Stephanie has never EARNED a single one of her mantles. She's just gotten them all by default.

She got the Robin mantle because Bruce was pissed at Tim at the moment. Steph saw Tim flirting with another girl, so she went to try to steal the mantle and hurt him and Bruce wanted to punish him as well. The man that has consistently told Stephanie to give up crime fighting suddenly decides she's the perfect match for his replacement sidekick? I'm sorry if I'm not sold on her being the best Robin ever and she deserves to be remembered as a great Robin and she was so amazing and all this other rubbish.

Fast forward a few years, she got killed, comes back to life, and learns absolutely nothing from her experience as Robin where she failed so miserably.. Cass is standing there and suddenly for no reason anyone can explain that makes ANY sense, throws off the Batgirl costume to Stephanie and disappears supposedly forever. So Stephanie becomes Batgirl by default just because Cass didn't want to be it anymore? Seriously? That makes her a great character? I just don't understand that.

So, she has fans, great. I don't understand it, I don't get how she is this amazing character. She's never gotten anywhere on her own, she's never earned a title, she's just been handed them and often times because someone at DC loves her. It's funny that this same guy hates a strong powerful woman like Linda Danvers (and apparently Cassandra Cain), but he loves this whiney, childish little girl who can't earn her own way, it has to be given to her. Amazing character!

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